


In the spirit of this politically correct world we live in, we felt it was prudent to inform the owner of this obnoxiously large statue (owned by a local business) that it is a symbol of racism:


We were going to mail a Shame Notice to the owner of the statue, but we thought the “knee slapper” was more appropriate.

- Massachusetts


  • sam

    and op is the biggest f@ggot ever. “that’s racist” whaaaaa whaaaaa… FOAD

  • troof be told

    Since when is showing a mere image racist?

    The sender needs to be on dbagging.com.

  • Tim Bob

    what’s obnoxious is the fact that you just now felt the need to post your hate for this statue. It looks like it’s been around for 20+ years and now you want to be politically correct and announce that you feel its racist. Well i for one want to say enough with the political bs, let people live the way they want and if this statue offends you then don’t do business with them. Maybe there’s a meaning behind the statue, maybe it has history or maybe it was a trading post (is that racist?). I think your being prejudice for not knowing the meaning and reasoning behind the statue. I’ll be surprised if you don’t look at American currency (you know the kind with president’s heads on them) and say it’s an act of symbolism to behead the United States.

  • http://neighborshame.com MMONROE

    How is this racism? Please somebody tell me.

  • Quill Pena

    How is this racist? I’m half American Indian, and I don’t consider this to be even a tiny bit racist. What, are we supposed to pretend that Indians never had long hair or walked around without shirts on? If the statue were of a white guy with a cowboy hat on, would that be racist? (How dare they portray a white person as a cowboy. That’s such a stereotype. Not all white people are cowboys, you know!) PC is for liberal, crybaby, pussies that want everything in their lives to be sugarcoated because they’re spineless sissies that grow faint at mere words. Drop dead, shitheels, and don’t call me a fucking “Native American,” either. I’m Indian, or even better, Injun.

  • snake

    Well said, Quill Pena.

  • BB

    Quill Pena for the win! Well said and 100% true and accurate!

    To the lameass who submitted this photo:. Grab some big girl panties and stop being an overly-sensitive, politically correct wuss. There is NOTHING racist about that statue. The only offensive racism I see is the submitter of this photo! Whiny friggin’ maggot…

  • Zio

    How do we know the statue is not owned by a Native American?

  • Chihuahua Mom

    This is NOT racist! Jeez, why do people have to get all butt hurt over every fucking thing?

  • Oogie

    Another reader in agreement. Looks like a pretty noble representation to me.

  • mike

    that is racist. Indians never wore pants or shoes

  • Shawna

    This statue has been there for upwards of 20 years. I have lived in this town since I was 5, and it was there before I moved there. No one has even said it’s racist…it’s actually a useful landmark for the town!

  • darth

    The only thing that could be considered racist – the “how” put in quotes in the title.

  • CAY


  • Sarah

    This looks like an old statue. It is probably a landmark of the area. I have seen a few things like this around different states and everyone around knows them. Its a landmark and it would be like losing a piece of history if you took it down.

  • Doc

    mike: your an idiot. indian’s wore pants and shoes.

    I am an indian. I should know.

  • Harumph

    Not racist, but the PC police officer whose panties got twisted over this statue should be stoned (and I DON’T mean high!).

  • Tony

    It’s of a racist Indian, of course. He’s giving a Nazi salute. Nazi = racist.

  • Choctaw Native Mixed

    I say the racist part of the whole thing is the stature is portrayed in a Caucasian style of dressing. It should show a Native American in his tribal style of dress. The Native American people are exploited for all sorts of reasons but not everything is racist. All tribes have their own distinct style.

  • Some Guy

    Heck yes. I love how everyone hates the Political Correctness Officer on deck.

    Thank you all for restoring a modicum of sanity in the face of “that’s rayciss”–an annoying refrain we have all suffered for far too long.

    I particularly agree with the people who were saying “let people live as they wish.” Amen to that! Be proud of who you are, be proud of your RACE, and ignore your Political Correctness Officer!

    We don’t need the approval of some race-based Marxists, after all. You would think these morons would give up after the failures of “equality” in economics that wrecked countries, then sex, that wrecked families. Now they want to jump to race, which leads to–guess what–genocide.

    It seems like the PC people (my college is full of these morons) are just trying to outdo each other in stupidity.

    But you know what? I guess evolution is rayciss, God is rayciss, the sky is rayciss, etc., etc.

    UGH! We are sick of the PCOs.

  • Lady Anne

    Chowtaw, you, of all people, should now that each Nation had their own style of dress. I’ll grant you, from here those resemble work boots rather than moccasins, but most Nations did wear trousers, or a breech clout and leggings.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Shawna on 2025/11/25 at 12:09 pm:

    This statue has been there for upwards of 20 years. I have lived in this town since I was 5, and it was there before I moved there. No one has even said it’s racist…it’s actually a useful landmark for the town!

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Darth on 2025/11/25 at 2:11 pm:

    The only thing that could be considered racist – the “how” put in quotes in the title.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by CAY on 2025/11/26 at 6:21 pm:


  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Sarah on 2025/11/26 at 9:19 pm:

    This looks like an old statue. It is probably a landmark of the area. I have seen a few things like this around different states and everyone around knows them. Its a landmark and it would be like losing a piece of history if you took it down.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Doc on 2025/11/29 at 1:49 pm:

    mike: your an idiot. indian’s wore pants and shoes.

    I am an indian. I should know.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Harumph on 2025/12/05 at 11:59 am:

    Not racist, but the PC police officer whose panties got twisted over this statue should be stoned (and I DON’T mean high!).

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Tony on 2025/12/16 at 7:44 pm:

    It’s of a racist Indian, of course. He’s giving a Nazi salute. Nazi = racist.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by ChoctawNativeMixed on 2025/01/18 at 4:14 pm:

    I say the racist part of the whole thing is the stature is portrayed in a Caucasian style of dressing. It should show a Native American in his tribal style of dress. The Native American people are exploited for all sorts of reasons but not everything is racist. All tribes have their own distinct style.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Some Guy on 2025/01/19 at 11:30 pm:

    Heck yes. I love how everyone hates the Political Correctness Officer on deck.

    Thank you all for restoring a modicum of sanity in the face of “that’s rayciss”–an annoying refrain we have all suffered for far too long.

    I particularly agree with the people who were saying “let people live as they wish.” Amen to that! Be proud of who you are, be proud of your RACE, and ignore your Political Correctness Officer!

    We don’t need the approval of some race-based Marxists, after all. You would think these morons would give up after the failures of “equality” in economics that wrecked countries, then sex, that wrecked families. Now they want to jump to race, which leads to–guess what–genocide.

    It seems like the PC people (my college is full of these morons) are just trying to outdo each other in stupidity.

    But you know what? I guess evolution is rayciss, God is rayciss, the sky is rayciss, etc., etc.

    UGH! We are sick of the PCOs.

  • neighborshame

    Submitted by Lady Anne on 2025/02/03 at 3:36 pm:

    Chowtaw, you, of all people, should now that each Nation had their own style of dress. I’ll grant you, from here those resemble work boots rather than moccasins, but most Nations did wear trousers, or a breech clout and leggings.

  • Poopdeck

    It’s an Indian waving hello. How is that racist?

  • Enchanted

    This is NOT racist. You must be one of the useful idiots.

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