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  • troof be told

    The FedEx one is awesome

  • Doc

    If the fed-ex guy was out “working” he would have done his “job” and rung the bell.

  • BB

    #2: Don’t let your dog crap all over the place without cleaning it up and you won’t have to worry about your neighbors getting in your face over it. Pick up your dog crap or someone may make you eat it. Actually, I wouldn’t mind if the property owner picked up the dog crap and smeared it on your face. You may get the point then.

    #3: Aw, the person is trying to learn a musical instrument, which is good. Granted, until a person learns the instrument, the noise makes one’s ears bleed, but in the end, it will be worth it. As long as the person isn’t practicing the flute at odd times, then there should be NO problem.

    #4: Just because the woman was home all day does NOT mean she’s unemployed. The Fed Ex guy should’ve done HIS job properly and rang her bell. The idiot who left the reply to the woman should be smacked upside his ignorant head. His note is the epitome of irony.

    #6: If a person takes the elevator up to floors two or three does not mean that person is fat and lazy. People are sometimes too tired to take the stairs; people sometimes just want to be pampered. I judge you as an total arse.

  • Joey BadaBing

    ” Thanks for Watching ” :-)

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