


  • snake

    Roy is obviously gay and is looking to get the new neighbor guy drunk.

  • Giacomo Finane

    And you know that, how, Snake?

  • Cybr

    Roy’s a douche. I’d decorate up half my house just to piss him off.

  • AlfaCowboy

    I would try to find many other things to do that would piss off Roy.

  • Oogie

    Oh, I’d do the other side; and then only light one up at a time. Alternating them. Maybe do half the garage door or half a tree, too.

  • EMB

    The suburbs. Where people are more concerned about what their neighbor does with their house then then their own.

  • Jeannine

    i just done get it, what is it with you lot dictating what your neighbours can and cant do with their own property? NOT everyone HAS to do the same as everyone else..i wouldnt be decorating MY house for Halloween or Christmas either nor would i hand out treats to a bunch of free loaders…i also dont get it that your always telling your children NOT TO TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS then one day a year your serving them up to the local creepers on a silver platter and all dressed up for a pedo’s fantasy …personally i would have removed the lights and told ‘Roy’ where he could shove them, obviously Roy is one of ‘those’ kinds of people ….worry about your own crap and leave everyone else alone

  • TirePatch King

    Oh, for f@#$’s sake people. The last line about the beer at the end should be a giveaway that this was written in jest. You all should be alarmed at yourselves for how dimly you view the world.

  • Doc

    oogie: that’s awesome!

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