


Fires are awesome. I love fires. Burning filthy mattresses is gross. Piglets!!



  • doctor stinkstah

    idk about the gross comment. the only reason that we are not allowed to burn mattresses is because of the ever present and every permeating leftist, liberal agenda. all of those whiny liberals have something to complain about. i find it rather refreshing that someone is not afraid to clean up after themselves, even if it includes burning a mattress. so, take your leftist, liberal bullshit down the street. it is not wanted or needed here.

    • JHaze

      OR, maybe it’s because smart people are looking out for dumb people and making sure they don’t breath in smoke that can give you cancer and kill you from burning things like mattresses and other things that stupid people try to burn. Although, if you are not very intelligent and don’t understand science it is much easier to blame it on politics.

      • LJCoolJ

        Alcohol: Tastes great, I love it, you love it, we all love it. Kills motherf@ckers every single day…Cigarette’s the most dangerous product known to man. Kills motherf@ckers every single day. Cigarette’s so dangerous it kills motherf@ckers that don’t smoke. That’s how dangerous cigarettes are…People talking out of their necks into a f@cking machine like, “Hey, what’s up, man, I love cigarettes, this sh!t is cool.” But it’s alright ’cause it’s all white. Sh!t, could you imagine if the Philip Morris family was a bunch of jheri-curled nigg@s from Mississippi? Do you know how illegal a pack of cigarettes would be? You would get sixty years just for a pack of Newports.

  • BB

    I must be missing something here. What’s present in a mattress that when burned, it releases deadly chemicals? Honestly, I don’t see what’s wrong with burning the pile of garbage pictured.

    • Carla Jean

      @BB… It seems like the better it gets, the more miserable people become. There’s never a technological advancement where people think, “Wow, we can finally do this!” And I think a lot of it has to do with advertising. Americans have it constantly drilled into our heads, every f#cking day, that we deserve everything to be perfect all the time.

      A man will cut your arm off and throw it in a river, but he’ll leave you as a human being intact. He won’t f#ck with who you are. Women are non-violent, but they will sh!t inside of your heart.

      I really think that white people are from another planet because when we came to America, it was so nice. It was just Indians. And they weren’t even Indians. We called them that by accident. And we still call them that. We knew in a month that it wasn’t Indians but we just don’t give a sh!t. We never correct it. We came here. They’re like, “Hi.” And we’re like, “Hey, you’re Indians, right?” And they’re like, “No.” “No, this is India, right?” “No, it’s not. It’s a totally other place.” “You’re not Indians?” “No.” “Ahh, you’re Indians.” “You’re Indians for hundreds of years after.”

      It doesn’t have any effect on your life. What do you care?! People try to talk about it like it’s a social issue. Like when you see someone stand up on a talk show and say, “How am I supposed to explain to my children that two men are getting married?… I dunno. It’s your sh!tty kid. You f#ckin’ tell ‘em. Why is that anyone else’s problem? Two guys are in love and they can’t get married because you don’t want to talk to your ugly child for five f#ckin’ minutes?

      And that is why we don’t burn mattresses.

  • Quixotic

    I’ll take them burning it over dumping it on the side of the road because they don’t want to pay to dispose of it properly. If it gives such thoughtless, selfish people cancer, I don’t know what you’re complaining about

  • Big Rob Version 2.0

    I have a neighbor who burns Mattresses, Chairs, Couches, etc. Causes black smoke, coats the whole neighborhood in smoke. This is an environmental hazard to everyone near. Not a good look.

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